Jul 22, 2006 03:40
i should not be awake. i cant sleep.
im kind of torturing myself or something.
i was thinking about how i wish i could go back to marshall(the VA one). i mean, now that i left it, i dont miss it at all, i hate that shitty institution. but all this thought about this being my senior year and whatnot and that i should make the best of it, it just makes me really want to be in a place im familiar with, rather than start a completely new school.
but then again, i can reinvent my image and shit and noone will know about how i am/ used to be a complete dork.
i really really wish micheal and my friendship didnt have to end like that. wouldve been cool had we not let our hormones get the best of us, wouldve been cool had he not taken complete advantave of me twice then took it further by taking advantage of the fact i was hundreds of miles away unable to defend my reputation and told everyone we both knew i was a fucking whore.
oh well. ill probably find someone cooler.
maybe ill find some friends who wont add fuel to the fire by telling others my personal issues and blowing it up out of proportion, and even making up lies about me. that kind of thing was dissappointing to hear about from close friends.
i may be ditsy and nieve, but im alot smarter than you think and i can connect the dots.
booooo. i hate that its taking forever for me to get over things that dont matter.
should not have gotten this personal on a blog