Oct 21, 2005 01:11
My phone charger is in Baldwin City. And I am not. Since my phone helps me to wake up in the morning, this is a distinct problem.
Apparently, I was right about the level of zinc in my blood- there isn't enough. Which explains the fatigue and ability to be sick at inoppourtune times. So I'm watching what I eat (which means I'm eating alot of brocolli), and it's really making a difference. Go me. Yay.
My creative writing class read and critiqued one of my stories today. It was one that I wrote in four hours, at midnight two days before it was due. It had nothing of value to me personally, and for that I feel like I chickened out by giving them something both half-assed and that wasn't close to me, or apart of my worlds (for lack of a better phrase). So alot of the critisms didn't suprise me, although a few made me smile.
I do, however, really wish I was able to hand in something that means something to me in that class, but I'm too afraid of what someone will tell me if I do. I'm getting better, but someday I'm going to write something and hand it in that is apart of me, or that I feel proud of, rather than something that is written alright, but without -I want to say passion or soul, but that's way too cheezy, even at one in the morning. Without gut, will work alright.
And I have the beginings of a canker sore. Go me, go me go.