I cannot believe that I will say this for the last time but
Yes, folks, there are only NINE days left until DH.
I am back from watching OotP (which was the best so far IMO) and despite my recent fill of Harry and his world, I want more. NOW!
Last time around when there were only nine days left until HBP, I pleaded for some spoilers, any spoilers, but alas at that time it was not to be. This time around I've read some FAKE spoilers but beyond that I will not say anymore for the sake of those who want to remain unspoiled. I know that I am on a couple of spoiler filters already but for the love of JKR
My cousin's wedding is this Friday and I will be busy so time should fly, but dangit the
last time I posted asking for spoilers, my wish was granted. I'm hoping that same magic works this time :p.