Two things.

May 09, 2008 10:15

1. You know the spooge that builds up in keyboards, and everybody goes "eeeew!" when they turn they keyboards upside-down or perhaps take some canned air to them? Yeah, with the Mac clear/white keyboards, you can SEE the spooge if you happen to look down. I go through a lot of canned air.

2. Accidentally saw a commercial the other day for... I can't remember if it was Army, Navy or Air Force. Anyway, they have this CGI satellite floating in orbit, and the announcer says "what if a missile could take out your television, radio, AND cellphone?" and then BOOM, the thing explodes. The rest of it pretty much said "OMG THE POOR COUNTRIES CAN BLOW UP YOUR ENTERTAINMENT, JOIN US TODAY AND WE PROMISE YOU WON'T SPEND YOUR CAREER SCRAPING BARNACLES, you can WEAR THIS COOL HEADSEAT AND SIT IN A ROOM THAT LOOKS LIKE STARGATE COMMAND!"

(cue the Team America song)

this is not the post you're looking for, war on terrah, internets, indeed, stream of crapicousness, what

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