Sep 28, 2009 22:09
I've been dying to Pchat ever since the session with halcyonjazz was a no-go (technical difficulties starting up and all).
So do you guys (especially halcyonjazz, bluefox, letsactive and tlc010) want to go again this weekend?
I was thinking about a session at 21:00GMT up to 01:00GMT, Saturday night. Which would be Friday afternoon for y'all in the US.
Feel free to suggest another time and specify the timezone you're in so that I can calculate when it will be on.
I'm thinking of using the server that halcyonjazz has already set up (bellanotte) for OC1, if that's ok with her. :)
Theme: Er, can we draw Hetalia/FF mostly? Unless someone has a really great and cracky idea. XD