First post of 2008

Jan 01, 2008 21:41

I got to celebrate New Year's 8 times all together, passing through 8 different time zones. Most of the time I was asleep though XD

The cabin crew also offered champagne in addition to the usual spirits and juices. :3 Didn't drink any though. Maybe in hindsight I should have, then I would have gotten more sleep...

Anyway, something interesting happened on the flight. A passenger had some heart/ BP problems (elevated?) and they had to break out the emergency kit (oxygen, defibrillator just in case etc.).
Then they asked the famous question: "Is there a doctor in the house?".
Turns out there were 2 doctors and a nurse, I think. One surgeon and the other one I'm not sure. They got him to lie down in the space near the side exit door and raised his legs.

There was quite a commotion. I think the guy was in quite a bit of pain (later the doctor was asking him to rate the pain on a scale of 1-10. He said 6).
Then they made another announcement asking for some nitroglycerin (ironically, this is why they make us empty all liquids and gels etc. = liquid explosive) for his BP. When they didn't have any, they just gave him paracetamol.

When we landed, the emergency services were waiting and they hooked him up to a portable ECG machine :3
I was trying to see the trace from where I was sitting. 8D
His heart rate was pretty high at times, swinging between the high 80s and 100s. And the T and QRS complex were mooshed together (at least that's what I think I saw...)

UUUU! The drama! *_*

Anyway, at 11am in the morning here, there is NO sun. Everything looks gray and dull. I want to go home to Malaysia with sunshine (burn me, bebbeh!), food, family and friends T_T

And that sums up my New Year. One of the more eventful ones in my life so far.

homesick, uni, new year, holiday, klm, medical emergency, flight

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