Jul 23, 2007 09:45
I just think the HP7 price war has turned into the most ridiculous thing ever. MPH, Popular and Harris should just accept the fact that the public can see their intentions: to monopolize the profits from the book.
Sure, the distributor has set a recommended price, but nobody gave them the right to go around trying to enforce that recommendation. It's the hypermarts' decision to sell at a loss (something which MPH wants to avoid so that they don't have to lower their price). In reality, the book is worth only about RM35 (if you bought it in the UK for 5 pounds). I think these big 3 booksellers are just embarrassed that everyone has seen through their trap of trying to frantically recoup the cost of all their promotional events etc.
I should just wait for October then borrow the book from the TCD library XD
That would be the ultimate sock in the face. Anyway I just want Harry to die. He's getting tiresome.
And J.K. Rowling: to kill off a main character is one thing; but to announce the number of characters killed etc. the runup to the launch is just plain stupid. It kind of takes the fun out of appreciating character death.
harry potter,
price war