Dec 03, 2007 15:17
I call these writings because im not really sure they are poems.
This first one im calling She said.
She Said
She said "You have sweet dreams as well" I wanted to tell her "As long as your in my dreams they are bitter sweet." Sweet because she is like an Angel to my eyes. With her eyes of the most beautiful Emerald. Smile that blinds. Bitter cause like an angel. I cannot have her. Always just out of reach.
The Sadness
It comes in waves. Do i still hide it well? As it builds does it show? On my face,in my eyes? As i Pull away from those who care. Do they see it? Do i see the reason for it?
The Brink
As i Stand on the brink of a new journey. I look back and think to myself. Where have i gone? Did i do anything? Will i be remembered. I turn again, I look towards the uncertain Future. Nothing but blackness. A void that frightens. A Shadow that engulfs. I swim in the nothingness. Where do i go? Swimming i grow tired. I scream for help. Who hears me?