If anyone still reads my LJ...no...I didn't die. lol. Here is what has happened since my last post in 2007:
- I am in the process of getting an honorable discharge from the Army
- I started transitioning from female to male
- I started going by the name "Drew" in February 2008
- I got top surgery in January 2009
- I started testosterone injections in April 2009 (it's been 4 months so far...)
- My official name change, and gender marker change, will go through on September 14th!
- I'm not really on speaking terms with my family anymore...ever since I came out as trans.
- My friends are being extremely supportive...and I'm lucky to have them in my life.
- I just moved to Buffalo, New York after meeting a really interesting girl at the National Women's Music Festival on July 3rd...so here it is a month later...and we're no longer dating....but I'm staying in Buffalo. I found a job and I'm trying to get by and save some money...until I find my next adventure!