Oct 25, 2006 13:58
Grrrr.... I'm so frustrated. I lied, okay? I'm NOT content! Maybe I don't want a relationship right now, but that doesn't mean a little action wouldn't hurt! I might as well be a 15 year old boy right now....my hormones are driving me CRAZY! To anybody that knows me...this is no secret.
To make things complicated....I have another crush. I can't go into detail...but...when I first met this girl...there was no possibility of anything more than friendship. Then, recently, something happened....and it made me think that something COULD happen between us. Now, I can't stop thinking about her... I remember the last time this happened to me, I did some REALLY STUPID things...and didn't get the girl. That was a little different, though...because I didn't really KNOW the first girl that well...and we ended up becoming really good friends, which I don't regret. But this girl....this girl is different. She's already my friend. The weird thing was, I wasn't attracted to her at first. She's not a girl that I would stare at, from across the room, and say "Damn, she's hot!" But...she's turning into a girl that I would stare at, from across the room, and say, "Wow...she's amazing."
She makes me smile...like...genuinely smile. And when I look at her, I can't help but smile...in a way that almost makes me blush.
I don't want to like her...because...well...let's just say she's already in a "relationship." But...in a way, I feel like she doesn't want to be in that relationship...or maybe she's just with that person because they're "safe." Maybe she's scared to find that REAL, PASSIONATE kind of love. Maybe she's afraid she could actually find that kind of love with me.