How creative
are you?
The lights are off Night light Regular 60 watt Bright Spark Incandescent! 20% 43% 30% 7% 1%
Read your profile Read your profile Read your profile Read your profile Read your profile The following result indicates your creative style NOT your ability to be creative. Most people possess varying degrees of both styles and your score on the swing-ometer indicates the degree to which you prefer one style over another. Adaptor Mixed Innovator
Creative problem
solving style
Your preferred style is to take ideas and improve them. Your motto is to 'do things better' and your watch words are, precision, reliability, efficiency, discipline, and conformity. You prefer solving problems with more structure and method and like to build a consensus around the solutions.
Your preferred style is to find new ideas by challenging the accepted way of doing things. Your motto is, 'do things differently' and you prefer to solve problems by thinking tangentially and approaching tasks from unexpected angles. You prefer a less structured approach to solving problems and are less concerned the solution gains consensus. The lights are on (sort of).
You've got a flicker, maybe a weak glow of creativity going on but you prefer to stick to the facts and leave dreaming to others.
Based on the 43% with this score so far, the dominant profile is: Female
- 25 - 34 years old
- Area of work: Other
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