Just checking in to let you know what I've been blogging about lately.
- Letter to My Senators (The Sequential Philosopher) - Please don't cut off NSF funding for political science.
- Exciting Trends in Philosophy of Science (It's Only a Theory) - The four most exciting areas in general philosophy of science, IMHO.
- The Varieties of Evidence (It's Only a Theory) - A very general description of the complex,* process-functionalist theory of evidence that I'm working on.
- Science, Values, and Popular Culture in the Psychology of William Moulton Marston (Science, Values, and Democracy) - A description of my new research project.
- William Moulton Marston: Educational and Professional Background (Science, Values, and Democracy)
- Pragmatism, Positivism, Science, and Values in the 1930’s (Science, Values, and Democracy)
- Brief discussions on Science, Values and Democracy on Philip Kitcher's Science, Truth, and Democracy Part I and II and on The Challenge of the Social and the Pressure of Practice Part I: The Play of Values within the Core Areas of Scientific Research.
* By "complex," I don't mean to tout the complexity of my theory. Rather, I mean that there is a complex profile of functions that evidence is involved in. But, multi-process-functionalist and its cognates are uggers.