Today is a good day.
- It's summer. Yes, 25°C inside the house is bothersome, but I love the sun and the gentle breeze. Looking forward to some balcony time in early evening, when things get balmy rather than hot.
- Great day at work: My web project was approved today by the highest authories. It can now officially go ahead and live online. Weeeeh!
- I even wrote yesterday, about 500 words for the monthely challenge on my own board. I had no idea what would happen when I started out, and I discovered a completely new character. I'd like to get to know him better - but I'll say more after the voting for the entries has closed.
If you want to sneak a look at the stories, you can visit my board
Mystical Adventures. However, in order to protect the flash entries for subsequent publication, you have to be a member to view the challenge area (Tournament Grounds).
In a word: I'm happy!