Meme time!

Jan 25, 2008 17:53

This meme comes round regularly, but I think it's a good one!

Instructions: Comment to this entry, and I'll reply with five questions. You answer them, and then leave a comment here with a link, so I can be sure I don't miss them!

For kikibug13

1. Is there one film, one book, one TV series episode, that you've read/seen but honestly wish you hadn't?
Oh yes. Film - 'POTC: At World's End' was a hideous mess and far too long.
Book: If I'm struggling with a book, I generally put it down and start something else, but I recently read 'The Chemistry of Death' by Simon Beckett which built up the story well but then had a rubbish ending. I felt cheated.
Episode: Tricky. I was disappointed by 'Cyberwoman' (Torchwood S1) but do I regret seeing it? No, but I don't really want to see it again.
2. Most and least favourite Jane Austen heroine? How about hero (meaning the good guys)? Favourite is Anne Elliot - I love her modesty and quiet composure which hides her romantic soul. Least favourite - it's between Marianne Dashwood and Emma, but I'm going to have to choose Emma. Who the hell asked her to meddle in their lives? I know she has good intentions but someone should tell her to butt out.
3. Do you have one favourite piece of visual art (drawing/painting/sculpture)? If so, what is it? It's not one piece, but I love the room full of Rothko's at Tate Modern in London. I can't even explain why - they are very simple but there is an atmosphere around them that is mesmerising.
4. Have you ever given advice that the person didn't take and later they apologised/admitted you were right? What (generally!) was it on, if so? A friend of mine married a man that I didn't think treated her right. Did I tell her not to marry him? Not in those words but she knew that I wasn't a fan of his. They'd been going out for about 6 years before they married but were divorced within 2 years. She didn't apologise as such but she admitted that they shouldn't have married and that my feelings about him were right. I give advice if I'm asked but I do feel that everyone has to follow their own path and that our mistakes inform who we are.
5. If you could be a 'fly on the wall' for one event, any event, what would you choose? Oooo - you kept the toughest one until the end! One event...I am fascinated by the big awards ceremonies, so back stage at the Oscars would be fun. If I could go back in time, I would love to know what really happened when Vesuvius erupted and buried Pompeii.
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