It's Monday morning so to get out of doing any work today, here's my take on last night's episode.
So, it begins with Jack, Gwen and Owen meeting a plane as it lands. The plane has slipped into the rift in 1953 and out of it in 2007. There are three people on board who are adopted by Torchwood and shown how to cope with modern society. Results are mixed - the youngest of them finds it easiest to adapt and becomes a career girl in the big smoke. The pilot falls for Owen (and he falls for her), but she is determined to try and get back. The gentleman tries to find his family and when he does, realises that he has nothing to live for any more.
This was a fantastic stand alone episode. It gave us character insights into Jack and Owen, and the opportunity for some comedy with Gwen and Ianto. There were lots of lovely little moments, and it really hung together well. Jack's sadness and loneliness was really brought to the fore, which I loved as dark!angsty!Jack is one of my favourite things in the world. Rhys made a memorable reappearance after weeks with no sign of him or mention of his relationship with Gwen. However, the issue of Gwen/Owen was kind of glossed over, leaving it ambiguous as to whether they are still sleeping together.
In a way, I wish it had come earlier in the series - these are the kind of character developments we've needed. However, Tosh is still being cruelly neglected! She got one speech about photos and a scene in which she just sat and listened to Jack. Where was she for the rest of the episode - Barbados?!
Torchwood has really improved with the last three/four episodes - much more consistent in tone and is starting to fulfil it's promise.