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Sep 08, 2009 19:32

It's been a while. Obviously. And, well, life has been going on, and on, and on. What to say..?

I am and have been working at the Circle K again. It's a good gig, honestly--If it weren't for the customers, it'd be perfect. I have a list of stuff that I need to get done by morning, and so long as I get it done, then no problem. However I spend free time aside from getting shit done is my business.. Just so long as the work is finished before I leave. I love that quality. No one hounding me, no one ordering to go here and do this or do that.. It's just my time, my pace. What more can you ask for? Well, aside from an increase in pay--eight an hour leaves something to be desired.

I'm living in Columbus, still, and wonder of wonders, I'm stationary for a lengthy period of time. Cassie's commented that it seems like I've settled.. Which.. I dunno. I still have the itchy foot quality, but it hasn't been overpowering all reason like it used to. Used to, I'd go bonkers at least once every few months if I didn't move somewhere new. Now.. Well, hell. Now I suppose I do feel like I've settled. I'm not sure how to feel about that. Part of me is content with that thought. Part of me is ripping its hair out and screaming "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!" at the other part. Only it's not really a massive battle for the fate of the universe or anything.. It's just a philosophical conflict in the back of my head.

After some much-needed kicking in the nuts, I've started to try and be worth a damn as a person. I have, since the aforementioned crotch-kickery, made a messenger bag and a backpack out of old clothes--Both of which, while obviously hand-made, are functional and I adore them. I've also (slowly) started getting into making food. I'm lagging behind in that department, compared to my roommates, but today victory was mine.. For I have crafted whole wheat bread. Tremble in fear!

Also, I'm working on a staff.. Or a cane. It depends on if I need to cut it down or not. It's been in various stages of construction for a good chunk of the year, but I think I'll be finishing up on it soon. Let's see.. Oh, yes. This LJ post. While, yes, it's a long-overdue update, it is also an outlet to actually write something again. Not necessarily something wonderful or awe-inspiring. Just to fucking write. I haven't really done it in.. I don't know how long. But it's good to do so, and anyway, I get some stuff out and into the world for just what in the hell I've been doing the past year.

I'm debating getting additions to my tattoos soon. Ideas have been bouncing around in my head for a while now.

Welp, that's it for now. Ciao, people. Take it easy.
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