1. Where is your cell phone? What cell phone?
2. Your significant other? .. Mmyes?
3. Your hair? Long and luxurious at the moment.
4. Your skin? Uhm.. Skin-like?
5. Your mother? Drives me batshit sometimes, but she's alright.
6. Your favorite thing? That's a broad question, isn't it?
7. Your dream last night? I'll have an answer to that when I actually sleep.
8. Your favorite drink? Alcoholic? White Russian. Non-alkie? Varies.
9. Your dream/goal? To one day own a coffee shop.
10. The room you're in? My bedroom.
11. Your ex? More than I can go into with a simple sentence.
12. Your fear? Failing my friends.
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Doesn't matter too much. Preferably alive.
14. Where were you last night? In the gaming room, joining in the Epic.
15. What you're not? Where I want to be mentally, physically, and spiritually.
16. Muffins? Hmm. Strawberry.
17. One of your wish list items? Mental clarity, focus, and drive.
18. Where you grew up? Everywhere.
19. The last thing you did? Drove home from work.
20. What are you wearing? Nothing.
21. Your TV? In the lounge, hooked to the consoles.
22. Want to vacation? Couldn't hurt, so long as it was a paid one.
23. Your computer? Deceased.
24. Your life? Decent. Stable, and on a road to recovery.
25. Your mood? Relaxed. Tired, but relaxed.
26. Missing someone? Mhmm.
27. Your car? 1986 Buick Century Limited 4D Sedan, 3.8L v6 (or v8, I forget.)
28. Something you're not wearing? Clothes?
29. Favorite store? Thrift stores are good. Also Circle K--They give me money.
30. Your summer? Interesting, thought-provoking, and overall? Happy.
31. Like someone? I suppose that's one way of putting it.
32. Your favorite color? I can never really decide. Greens, blues, black, browns.
33. When is the last time you laughed? Sometime in the last hour, back at work.
34. Any pets? Not at the moment.
35. Favorite fruit? This really varies, but I'm partial to pears usually.
36. Favorite flower? Heh. Stephanie.
37. Last time you cried? Last night.
38. Who will re-post this? I won't even hazard a guess.
39. Whose answers are you anxious to see? No one in particular.