(no subject)

Aug 14, 2006 12:25

i really dont know where i left off. so Ill just start with summersonic.

on the way to summer sonic i discovered there is a japanese disney land called Disney Sea. I want to put that on the list of things to do next year. When we got to summersonic there wasnt much for us to do until some good bands played. Joel and I wanted to watch Hawthorne Heights for the laughs...but it was unbearable we couldnt even watch one full song. so we decided to adventure around the place and we found the BEACH!!!!!!! finally. it wasnt amazing though the water was brown like shit brown. when i stepped into it my feet were BROWN! not only that but the sand was brown. but atleast there was sand. Joel and I stripped down and went in. Everyone was staring at us especially when i tried to get my pants back on. Joel and I were standing in the middle of the water with fish jumping straight up in the air around us. I thought i saw a lockness looking monster and freaked out then i realized it was a bird with a really long neck and can go underwater. Joel decided he had had enough of showing of his buldge so we tried to put on our pants without getting them sandy or wet which was a lost cause. I pretty much embarrassed the hell out of my self, with my turtle underwear, trying to wiggle back into my tight ass jeans and falling over in the wet sand.

after that we watched a bunch of people skate on the half pipe. Then we watched taking back sunday. Which sucked! I mean even the old songs i used to like sucked. so after that we went and watched part of the cardigans then tried to get a really good spot for the rapture which i thought i was going to die in. the rapture was pretty cool. I think they are better on the album but i still had fun. it was hot and crowded and hard for me to stay on my feet and the fact that im short made it a little less fun. after that we watched the editors. when it was about time to see the flaming lips we decided to watch the band before so we could get front row. which we did. but keane cancled so the flaming lips came on early and did a cover of queens Bohemian Rhapsody. which was so awesome. let me add I think wayne is the sexiest 40 year old. then they decided to play a keane song for all the fans that werent going to see them and they had a fan from the crowd come on stage and sing.

Finally the Flaming Lips play. Which Ive never seen play a live show so in no way was i prepared for what was about to happen.

I dont even know how to described the show. It was the best show ive been to.
best show: Flaming lips
second best: Green milk from the planet orange

Ill make this short

Wayne getting inside a huge bubble and crowd surfing in it
200 Huge ass orange balloons everwhere in the crowd
Even bigger balloons!!!!!!!!!!!!
huge blow up santa clauses, astronauts, and aliens
people dressed up as santa clauses and aliens dancing everywhere on stage
confetti confetti confetti
confetti guns
huge balloon with little ballons inside
microphone with strobe light

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