BPAL: Midnight, Lightning

Mar 04, 2007 19:42

My last reviews for a while, at least until I can complete a trade. Back to normal posts after this, for which my non-perfumey flist will be no doubt grateful.

Midnight: An ethereal bouquet of night-blooming flowers. Evening primrose, ruellia, flowering nicotiana, wild petunia, panani-o-kai, night phlox, night gladiolus, moonflower and the elusive scent of Nottingham Catchfly.

Pretty and dark in the vial, definitely reminiscent of a walk very late/early on a warm spring night. When I put it on, it immediately turns into an almost mediciney funk that worries me. After a minute it gets nicely warm and I like it again, but then turns into a strange, candyish floral. After a few minutes, the warm and dark come back. I like it, but might need some time for something so floral to grow on me. This smelled so much nicer on miladygrey. If I buy again, it will probably be another imp rather than a bottle. Definitely not bad for a freebie, though. Mostly too floral to be a man's scent, but there might be a few who could pull it off. A very few. But on those, it would be quite nice.

Lightning: Lightning slashing the midnight skies over the endless reaches of the ocean. The electric tang of ozone, marine notes, and a drop of sharp rain.

Drat. I had such high hopes. After I raved about Tempest, there are times now when it just smells like clean laundry and nothing more. So I wanted this to be the yummy thing that Tempest doesn't quite live up to. I love storms, the smell right before, the rain smell, the thunder... Perhaps I had built things up too high.

In the bottle, I can't tell it apart from Tempest unless I sniff them both, except that Lightning has a hint more lemon. It stays pretty much the same on me, a good clean smell, but nothing special. Would be nice on a guy, interesting, but no pouncing or face-licking. I'll only get rid of this if I really need something to trade, but will probably use it for room spray or freshening-clothes-that-have-been-packed-away spray.

Between these and two bath bomb experiments, my flat has a very interesting smell. Hopefully it will fade, lest the exterminator come tomorrow and think I robbed a perfume counter then dropped it all on the kitchen floor. ;)

reviews, bpal

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