Torchwood, mostly

Nov 09, 2006 00:27

Man! Everyone is slamming my sweet Ianto! For such cruelty, you shall be subjected to my highly spoilery Torchwood thoughts.

Oh, Ianto. They only hate you because you (and your vowels) are beautiful. And you possess good fashion sense and undying loyalty and pretty blue eyes, and know how to kiss someone without slobbering everywhere. It's not your fault, it's the writing and directing.

I once read a story where someone was directing an actor playing Romeo. The guy was going all over the top with the first scene, and the director stopped him and reminded him that, however lovestruck Romeo is with Rosalind, it's not the point of the play. He had to hold something back so when he meets his Juliet, that is the height of emotion. (Side note: Anyone knows this book, remind me?)

The same problem happened with Ianto. Finding that doctor all mangled would be pretty traumatic, and everything he's worked for and hoped for has fallen apart and he doesn't know what to do. I actually liked this scene (except for the icky parts because - ick!). At first it struck me as a bit over the top for something so early in the ep, and because of his rapidly changing reactions. But it seems that's more how a real person would react - too many emotions at once, no good way to handle it, no good way this can end. But did someone say "Just wait, it gets worse"? No! Go for it! Give us your angst face like there's no angst to be acted ever again! So when things do get worse, it's just more of the same. For like 30 minutes. And then there is pterodactyl sauce and I weep at the cheesiness.

*sigh* Better story arcs in the future please? Because the majority of fandom seems to think my boy is a joke now, and I don't like that.

I'm pretty sure no-one on my f-list watches "Criminal Minds", but I kinda had to watch it with my mom, then got stuck. So. Okay, Reed is a genius. Speed reader. Knows everything. Has like eight PhDs. We get it. And it's still hot in spite of the horrible geek glasses and old man sweaters. Really, the geek stereotype is getting way too out of hand, so cut it out, CBS! Or is all your altruism towards people smarter than you being used up by Numb3rs? Hire some costumers with imagination.

telly, rants

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