(no subject)

Jan 28, 2006 00:15

So apparently, everything from strawberry candy to lipstick has this dye made from crushed up bugs. No-one had a problem with this until some people had allergic reactions to these bug bits, and now the FDA is considering making companies put allergy warnings on everything. This sounds like a good idea medically, but I really don't want "natural dyes added" to turn into "powdered insect shells added" on my favorite lipstick (which is very red and therefore probably does have something scary like this in it but I don't want to think about it, ew!) The news said the same bugs have been used for dye since the time of the Aztecs, so apparently it's not really that dangerous or someone would have noticed in the last... thousand years?

Speaking of Aztec stuff, I recently watched the earliest Doctor Who episodes I could get: "The Aztecs". (Nice segue, huh?) Initial reaction: omg William Hartnell is so cute and sweet and lovable and I want to adopt him so he can be my granddad! Really, if you have never seen a Hartnell episode, hie thee hence to Netflix or wherever else you get your movies and demand something with him in it. Seriously. You can see why is he *The* Doctor (not just because he was the first guy cast) - he's fun, brilliant, sweet, inventive and really loves his companions, but boy can he yell when somebody decides to go changing history!

I really liked Barbara. She was very regal-looking and handled a difficult situation... if not always the best way, she could certainly have done worse. Also props to the hair people for whatever indestructible hairspray they were using that survived all those goddessy crowns and helmets and such. We didn't get to see Ian do much other than some less-than-impressively choreographed wrestling, so I'll reserve judgment on him until I've seen more. Kinda cute though. ;) Susan I loved immediately. She's so sweet and eager, ready to take in anything the place has to offer. (Also, I am convinced she is totally the original for Door, Helena, and probably a half dozen other slight, ruffle-headed, big-eyed, tough-cookie heroines running around in Neil Gaiman's brain.) I'm fairly sure that when her speech was written about how no-one would tell her who to marry, that she would choose someone on her own, they had no idea how she would be leaving the show. Interesting that she found her match, but at the same time had to be forced into it. (Oh Doctor, you make my Netflix queue so very very long.)

Anyone complaining about Doctor/Rose shippers needs to be reminded of this. Yes, Cameca is very different from Rose, as is everything about their brief relationship, but this is canon evidence that the Doctor thinks Earth chicks are hot and not necessarily just fun traveling buddies. From the first time he meets her, the look on his face made me say "Doctor! You sly dog! Doctor's gotta girlfriend, hee!" But then I think old people in love are just the cutest thing ever. I bet he still has that stone somewhere in a pocket or trinket box. And I want to fic on that, but I've never tried multi-Doctor fic before and have no idea how to handle the fact that the Doctor is so much older than he was then, but very much younger too.

If you get this particular series, be sure to watch the extras. "Making Cocoa" is a Southpark-style cartoon that is so funny you only realize later that it's educational. (Also makes you grateful you can just dump some powder and milk in a mug to get cocoa.) The "making of" bit is mostly interviews and is a tad long, but it's also interesting to hear them talk about early television, the sets, going from theatre to tv, etc. I'd say it's worth it just to see the color pics of the sets and costumes - Barbara is even more stunning when you see the full red and gold of her gown and headdress. "Montezuma and Cortez" is totally documentary, but it's short and fairly interesting for those of us who were largely sheltered by fourth grade history classes from certain brutal realities. Make sure you watch the one titled "TARDIS Cam No. 3" as well. Then go figure it out and tell me what's going on. Please.

Question for anyone who has seen this or possibly other early "Who" DVDs: What is up with the "TARDIS Cam" thing? Are there others that form a sequence across the DVDs so you have to watch every one to get it? Is that Gallifrey in the background? Or are they just playing with my mind?

telly, tv on dvd, reviews, recs, doctor who

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