Fun stuff, fandom and RL editions

Dec 13, 2007 20:23

Awesome (highly spoilery) Martha news re: TW S2 and DW S4: I actually squeed out loud.

In other yayness, The Organization for Transformative Works now has a website and is doing its thing! And otw_news is mirrored on just about every journal site there is, so you won't lose track if you abandon ship here for some reason. As soon as they advertise for something I can do (alas, I have no Adobe skillz) I'm in.

This Lawence Lessig talk (found at Plagiarism Today) is very interesting. He talks about the difference between Read Only culture and Read-Write culture (such as fandom and Wiki) and puts simply things like complete illogic of imposing print copyright laws on anything digital. (Warnings for clips of the scariest RPF vid ever, and a potentially offensive religion-related moment.) His presentation runs about 35 minutes and is a bit excessive on the blinky, but it's worth it, and the Q&A session is good even though the questions are hard to hear.

Faculty-staff Christmas party was tonight. We got to test out the new food service director - seems to be a nice guy, youngish, but perhaps a bit OCD by some accounts. All I know is, the chicken was perfect. Also, someone donated some money for there to be door prizes (apparently a whopping amount, because there were a lot) and I got a $50 gas card. Woot! That's enough to get me home and back, considering what's in my tank now but subtracting for insane NC gas tax.

Between work and party, I had to run to the grocery store and I grabbed some Koolaid to try out dyeing my own yarn. But I want to try it now, not wait until Saturday and hope that Hobby Lobby has some white/undyed wool. As if I don't have anything else to do. Back to wrapping things for Michigan!

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