Two fannish nightmares in one

Aug 20, 2007 01:01

*facepalm* Just when you thought the fubar with The Dark is Rising couldn't get any worse... They're working with FanLib. So I guess their target demographic is 14 year old semi-literate girls who would never read a high fantasy novel or a TOS. The thousands of people who have loved this book for decades, the teachers and librarians who proudly tout it as a Newbery winner with all its depth and subtlety and allusion and all-around genius - pfft! It's more fun to watch some kid fight with his brothers, innit? Perhaps we're supposed to be distracted by the pretty knotwork circles?

I really should just pretend this monstrosity doesn't exist, for the sake of my sanity. Can't... tear... eyes... from... the horror...

Someone somewhere (sorry, I've been reading a lot of rants lately) mentioned that Eccleston would have made a good Merriman instead. I can totally see this, and wish it had happened. (He has that whole "literacy" thing going on, at least.) But reading the book, I can just see him so perfectly as the Rider. *sigh* Maybe they'll make the movie properly before I'm too old and blind to see it.

rants, movies, books

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