More brief an update than the weekend warrants

Jul 08, 2007 22:27

Have survived Mad Weekend, Part the Second. Excellent time with miladygrey, Yeats, and family. Wedding-Type Things were accomplished, good food was had, telly was watched and squeed over (or grumbled about in some cases) and Life on Mars crack was succesfully peddled. It feels like it was three or four days, but at the same time I'm wondering where the weekend went. Managed not to literally sleep all day (it was very tempting) as have things to do before hitting the ground running again bright and early tomorrow.

Conference tomorrow and Tuesday, survive remainder of the week (which may or may not involve relocating all periodicals, microfilm, bound journals, and/or downstairs offices), survive Mad Weekend the Third which should be slightly less crazy than its predecessors. Then I may be able to sit for a while and do absolutely nothing.

Everyone go rec visionofblue fics to cure her withdrawal symptoms. She will probably most appreciate Sarkney and anything Oz-related.
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