The whole sick thing was a sinus infection caused by allergies none the less. Still with the allergies but sinus infection I do believe is long gone. Which allowed me to actually spend time doing what I needed to do... homework. It has been a long week especially with 4 tests in 2 weeks in between 5 classes. However I still have my grades all B and above which is a good thing.
One more semester with TCC then *hopefully* off to OSU for a Business Pre Law Major with a minor in economics or even accounting.
Though I find accounting easy, I tend to over think these things and the Professor keeps telling me "Slow down, your getting to far ahead of the class."
Sadly I didn't score that high on the test I was very close to a B but she gave a ten point curve which brought me to a B.
But being sick and having relatively no time to review and taking the test while sick does not a good grade make.
Mind you this is the class that I am usually always answering the questions in and getting an A on everything ('cept for the Test).
Statistics is fascinating but difficult - I love the challenge!
Speech - as if, very easy class I am almost at 200% of the alloted score. Extra Credit baby! Not to mention she asked me to give an informative speech on Meriwether Lewis (Think Lewis and Clark Expedition), but then again I think a part of it is because she likes Lewis and I am the first student she has encountered who is actually related to him (think Maternal Grandmothers Grandmother). I know it is a distant relation but still...
Economics like the teacher class is easy, a bit to easy, but all that economic information ACK!
Government, can we say over glorified history class. Everyone wants to have a study group with me, I quote one of my fellow class mates "I want to study with you, your smart." I like the compliment but ummm... its called notes, paying attention, and reading the book. The whole class before our first test mind you it was some 15 students at the time decided to 'quiz' me on the review. Bare in mind I had only studied for roughly an hour and was going "Oh the Magna Charta and what it is. Well do you want the King John version or the Queen Mary version? Oh never mind I will tell you both. What is Universal suffrage you say, well that one is easy." Yeah it's like that easy peasy!
And things with W's family living here is going well... but not as well as I would like. They should be moved out by mid to late May. I can't wait! As much as I enjoy the help at times, I want my house back the way I want it, no kids, no toys, no screaming baby at 4am in the morning (good luck with that
kyburg and
Also if you are looking for some good books to read, check out:
Kim Harrison "The Hollows"
Jaqueline Carey "Kushiels"
I am also the proud owner of all 7 Harry Potter Books hardback W got them for me for Valentines day. And I have 7 more books coming in plus 3 for W. Where I find time to read I am not sure but I manage at least 2 to 3 books a month.
I am going to get off of here, time to get ready for school on the morrow.