Jan 02, 2005 14:52
As I was talking to B the other day I thought of an entry to do in my live journal. I started to think about events that have happened in my life. Does anybody else believe in signs? For some reason I believe in them. Some examples: In going to Sweden there were many signs that all pointed me to go. There was this Discovery Channel movie being showed up north during winter break that happened to be on Sweden. Of all the countries that they could have showed a movie on they showed one on Sweden. Then when I visited Western at the last minute before I left, a girl on the floor was friends with someone who had been to Stockholm and we talked. I was lucky to see her as well because they were on their way out. There was also a girl in my dorm that was from Stockholm. There were others as well. The same thing happened with Western and deciding to come here. Now it is the same with my internship. The girl that was interning before me, I knew. I thought it was so weird that I knew this girl well and then all of a sudden I am not only in the same school that she was in but her grade that she taught. There is also a girl interning at my school that was in my ed 402 class that we talked some to each other. It is weird how some things fall into place. I am starting to get nervous for my internship. I did meet the teachers and the students so I think that went well. I guess I am just nervous about starting everything. It is kinda like it is one foot and a lean into the "real World".