You said it, Anna! Because
sunny_storm wrote it, and
_alantie commanded it. Plus this survey is the shit!
01. if you could have kept a detailed diary of one period of your life, so that you could now reread it, what period would it be from?
I'm not sure I'd want that from any period of my life, probably because I tend to remember things as better than they actually were, and I wouldn't want to ruin that.
02. if you had to name the most difficult thing about being a teenager today, what would you say?
For me it would be how much the world has changed since our parents were kids. I think it makes it hard for them to see why we act the way we do. Every other minute it's "If I did what you just did when I was a kid I would have been _______" (Fill in the blank with some random punishment.) But the world has changed so much that I don't think those standards apply anymore. My mom tells me all the time how awful it was to be in high school when she was a kid, because if you didn't fit into a perfect little stereotype you were practically ostracized, so it's very different than the way it is now. So why can't she see that my behaviour would obviously differ from hers as well? ::sigh::
03. if you could change one thing about your love life, what would it be?
That I wouldn't be afraid to just screw everything (but not like that, haha) and GO FOR IT when I really like someone.
04. if you could find the personal diary of one person from history, with all the juicy details, whose would you want to find?
I know this is going to sound really weird, but... Hitler. I want to know how his mind worked, and what he went through that could possibly make him end up the way he did.
05. if the united states had to sacrifice one state, which would you give away?
Texas. It's big enough to be it's own country anyway!
06. if you could have a stranger come up to you and whisper anything into your ear, what would you want them to say?
"A drug person can learn to handle such things as seeing their dead grandmother crawling up their leg with a knife in her teeth. But no one should be asked to deal with this trip."
07. if a one-year period of your diary were to be published, what year would you want it to be?
Probably the year of 6th grade, my first year at Cobblestone. Crazy times, that!
08. if you could decided exactly how, when, and where your children would learn sex education, what would you consider to be ideal?
Hmm. Whenever they first asked me, I guess. And I would probably want to tell them about it so they didn't get crappy info from their friends. It's silly because I actually got rather good info from my friends - but I just chose very well-informed friends! ::coughbethandkatecough:: :D
09. if you had to name the one thing that has changed the most about growing up since your childhood, what would it be?
The internet, definitely. It's changed everything about education and entertainment for children. Tony and Lydia play on the computer all the time. They can navigate the Thomas then Tabk Engine site with no problems, and they're four and five years old.
10. if you had to name the best music album ever recorded, which would you select?
"Want One" - Rufus Wainwright. Seriously, it's the most incredible album I have ever heard.
11. if you had to name the most difficult good-bye you ever said, what would it be?
I hate this. I can either be untruthful or depressing... and I hate not telling the truth for stupid reasons. Okay. So, it was at my dad's wake. My mom made me, Sam and Amelia go into the little room where his body was, in the coffin. She told us that we had to say goodbye to him. Sam and I tried to refuse to go in there; poor four-year-old Amelia was too terrified to say anything. But in the end she made us. It... wasn't fun.
12. if you had to name the one lesson of love that took you the longest to learn, what would it be, and why?
Wow, I have no idea. I'm not sure I've learned any lessons of love other than stupid things like "Don't date assholes!"
13. if you had to name the one part of your body that you least want touched by someone you don't like, what would it be?
My stomach. UGHHHH! I don't like it when anyone touches my stomach for some reason. Even people I like!
14. if you could have composed any single piece of music that already exists, which would you choose?
Hmm. The Faure Requiem, maybe. I love the requiems.
15. if you could have your portrait painted by any painter in history, to whom would you give the commission?
Monet, I adore Monet.
16. if you could ask one question to the leader of the country you are presently in, what would you say?
I think I would die of a paroxism of anger by being that close to him before I could actually force out any sort of legitimate or comprehensible question.
17. if you could have avoided living one year from your past, which year would you like to have eliminated?
5th grade... see question #11, hahaha.
18. if you could have one entire country "depopulated" as your own private property, which country would you take as your own?
Scotland. Although I'd keep all the people!
19. if you could discover that something you thought was true was actually false, what would you wish it to be?
That whole yin-yang thing. I really believe in that concept for some reason. That all opposites must be in perfect balance, good/bad and that sort of thing. The more I think about it the more it makes perfect sense to me. But without it I could believe in heaven but not hell, which I just can't do. I think either both or neither must exist, and both those ideas scare the shit out of me.
20. if you were granted one wish, what would it be?
To be happy, I guess. Or maybe to have more self-control... I have NONE.