Onna was realll tiny but was pretty fun :D specially since i havent been to an animecon alllll year @_@
the pgsm cosplay was hott. && i loved all the compliments i got on it ^^
soo many things happened for only staying all of saturday nd sunday morning(i had to leave early to make it to jacquis sweet 16)..
well first off, i was taken to onna! as a bday present & got to take lisa along w/ me cause I ::heart:: her :)walked into hotel, ate breakfast, then 5 mins later i bump into KIM! haha that was cool :) her sakura was pretty cute ^^b then i changed into costume.& met some cool ppl in the bathroom lollz. Afterwards, went to the dealers room for quite a while~
there were some real nice dealers there that i talked to :)
Well i heres the list of all the stuff i bought i guess:
~Ichigo(BLEACH) poster
~Naruto pillow
~Tare Panda mirror
~Ichigo pin
~Midori no Hibi DVD w. free shirt (i <3 free stuff haha)
~Fruits Basket 2006 calendar
~RooRoo/Raa Raa bear spaghetti strap
~"present" for my cousin--its a secret ;)
~bracelet for my mom
~grab bag thing for like $2
~Rest Bear wallet for sis
~i think that was it..i cant remember
Open mic was @ 1:00, so i headed over there--met up w/ kim & sang "Love Chronicle" from Full Moon wo Sagashite...of course i forgot the words @ one point cause i got confused xD but it was all good...Then i sang "New Future" with Lisa ^^ haha..."blah blah blah i forgot the words.." lmao
Then i went to the cosplay judging room...anddd..somehow ended up entering myself in the masquerade *_* lol Ranma Saotome from C.com actually suggested to do a walk-on earlier :) Thanks mucho!
Afterwards we went back to the room where karaoke was to watch the last half of the martial arts demo which was pretty cool...
I also met some cool ppl in the artists alley! Sara--who i noticed that i kept bumping into her in earlier cons was there. I remembered meeting her @ BAAF & Anime Next 03' :) I also met Elisa @ the cosplay practice as Meroko!! (yessh..first fmws cosplayer i've seen all day) she was reall cool :)
Some point in between all this me & lisa ate lunch..scaring the 'normal' ppl lolll, we also watched full moon around 4:00..and my bro got a one-day pass cause he was bored. around 6:30 we went to dinner.
I also ended up playing the piano in the artists alley. YAY for memorizing "To Zanarkand" from FFX xD
Basically i had a crowd goin on ^^v later on, one of the ppl asked me to play again :O haha an encore?
I also had a "Sanji proposing to Sailor Moon" pic taken which i found highly highly amusing x)
I had to check in for the contest @ 8:00, so we just hung around for a while..went to the dealers room again, checked out the Gelatine concert for a while. Then i went to the room where all the cosplayers where getting ready & such~ met up w/ elisa & soon it was time for the skits :D
While online, i met neoangelwink who was a reall cool harvest moon girl. TY for letting me play w. the cow x) Also met a cool luigi & anji :)
So it was my turn to go up..basically i walked on stage did a few poses/twirly things && ended it w/ a "tsuki no kawatte, oshiokio!" x) It was a good thing i just randomly decided to enter cause i ended up winning
"Best Craftmanship" :D YaY!
We went back up to the hotel round 10:45-ish & stayed up til around 12:00-12:30
Sunday--got up early to get ready for karaoke..which i *thought* the check in was @ 10..but there was no check-in >> So i ended up going to the dealers room again haha. we probably went there a total of 4 or 5 times ^^; my poor money. Anyways, we also watched some CLAMP. Thennn we went for the karaoke contest. I was entry # 2 and sang "Myself" from Full Moon wo Sagashite...yes. im a full moon addict. X) Im guessing I wasnt that bad since I got the
"Seal of Approval" award along w/ an Evangelion dvd & an Armitage soundtrack. Sara & Elisa's performances were reall good :D It ended up w. a tiebreaker between Aleego of C.com & a girl who sang "Melodies of Life" from FFVII to see who would get "best in show" & "1st place"...but i didnt get to see it cause i had to leave since my dad was already getting pissed @ me ^^;
Anyways, i left @ around 1:10
OnnaFEST! was really fun..i <3 meeting new ppl & I met *alot* of AWESOME ppl @ this con :) sorry if i didnt mention you, but really, everyone i met was reall cool =) ...BUT I DIDNT GET TO SEE ALLI THIS YEAR AGAIN. *pouts* :[
inside jokes i'll never forget:
~so there was this really weird bug on the wall..it was like a spider but it had like 18 legs..
~So if you eat a chicken, you would die?
~Whats up w. that guy? Its like he was exposed to too many chemicals. Well if you're in a labratory you dont have enough time to go to the hair salon. No i meant his face. lmao
~I was just walking around. With you're KUNAI?
~-silence- *Car honks* *ppl screaming down the hall* ... *_*
~"Best craftmanship....Nicole.." YES YES~! "..Ho..?" NOO! "that doesn't say ho" YESS!
~Why is the bathroom like that?? Cause we're cripples!
~We're disabled. Yeah, in the head.
PICS up on my C.com account. mail me if you want it :)