I made French's Fried Onion Chicken last night after hearing
princessbunny rave about it over and over, and I'm so glad I did. SO yummy!
Crush 2 cups of French's french fried onions in a ziploc with 2 Tbsps of flour, salt, pepper and any herbs and spices you like. Dip 4 chicken breasts in beaten egg then put them in the bag and shake until the chicken is coated. Bake at 400 for 20 minutes.
The only difference between the recipe above and what I made last night is that I used three chicken breasts and chunked them up into nugget-sized pieces. We had it with garlic and olive oil cous cous and some french green beans. It was so good.
Last night was a nice night at home. When Mia and I got home from daycare, I was curious to see how she'd react to the rearranged furniture and, more importantly, all of her toys. She was delighted and happily played in her new playroom while I made dinner. I turned the TV on, but only to play one of the music stations. Ed got home just in time for dinner fresh from the oven/stove, the house was clean, and we sat down together at the dining room table.
It was perfect. It reminded me how much I despise my job and how desperately I wish I could be at home every day.
After dinner Ed and I cleaned up, and he went into the living room to hang out with Mia until her favorite TV shows started at 7pm and we let her watch them both before bedtime. She had a bath, we had cuddle time, and she went to bed easily.
We watched Monday night's episode of Heroes, then I watched Fringe and Real Housewives of NYC. I'm getting really friggin' tired of that stupid-ass American Idol encroaching on my Fringe time. I miss the last few minutes of every damn episodes because I DVR them rather than watching live. I've changed the time that I want the DVR to record, going 15 minutes past the scheduled end of Fringe, but it doesn't listen to me. It still just records for the scheduled time that's in the TV Guide.
I went up to bed just before midnight and finished off Three To Get Deadly before finally going to bed. I was up way too late, but I was so wrapped up in it that I couldn't put it down.
I woke up at 6am to Ed handing me our wedding cake topper. It lives on our dresser top, and he'd grabbed it and handed it to me, mostly asleep. I asked him what in the hell he was doing and he said "oh, did I dream that?" When I asked him about it later, he said he vaguely remembered dreaming that we were in bed and I was asking for salt and pepper shakers. Given that our cake topper was two birds nestled together, and he was holding them in the same fashion that one might hold salt and pepper shakers in one hand, I can see the connection. No idea why I'd have been asking for S&P in bed, but... that's my crazy ass husband.
Work is sucktastic, but I'm here. I've caught up on a bunch of stuff this AM, and am now inhaling my lunch. I'm starved. I'd kill for a caramel frappuccino, and I'm tuning out my co-workers by listening to One of Those Malibu Nights by Elizabeth Adler on CD. I need to swing through the library drive through after work to pick up a book that I requested. It just came out yesterday and I'm dying to read it, so despite the fact that I have a stack of 6 or 7 books at home, I'm still going over to pick this on up so that I can put it at the top of the pile.
I totally forget what I was planning to make for dinner so I took out a pound of ground beef and hope I can figure something out by the time I get home. Ed's likely to be home late, which sucks, but it means that I have a bit more time to get dinner taken care of, so there's that, at least. Here's hoping it's another lovely evening for the Ness Kramer household.