[Locked to DATS Command]

May 23, 2010 19:37

... This is Agent Hamilton. I have a recommendation, based on context of recent reports.

It seems that Ravemon's actions in Tetha have included a tacit declaration of martial law. In such a context... It's almost the precise context that my land's revolution started from. Other than the person responsible not being a dude who used a microphone as a weapon and could fly with his hair.

Anyways... The thing is, under martial law, tensions build up fast... And I can guarantee you the police will only keep up for so long.

Therefore, it is my recommendation that we prepare to directly strike at their police headquarters... Especially anyone in command, such as Bowser.

The goal is to paralyze the police. At that point... Start a revolution. The result would throw his entire forces into disarray, pretty much halting his ability to advance... Or if he's so insane as to proceed anyways, forcing him into a fight on two fronts.

I would recommend the preparation of a small strike force of our strongest Heavy Assault agents to prepare this. I'm thinking six people loaded in the back of my bike.

I know that attacking a legitimate government has a poor taste... But at this point, it would be one of the most efficient options we have.
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