*W i s h i n g * D r e a m i n g * W o n d e r i n g, will you ever be mine?

Apr 17, 2004 17:59

ShAnNa 492 : ok devin hypothetical question here
ShAnNa 492: if you had a puzzle
Devilee1 : ok
Devilee1 : so i have a puzzle
Devilee1: whats the puzzle of?
ShAnNa 492 : and i ate a piece from it, there fore making it unfinnishable, would you be angry>
ShAnNa 492 : its just a puzzle
Devilee1 : can it be of a doggy
ShAnNa 492 : like one of those big ones u spend alot of time on
ShAnNa 492 : go for it
Devilee1 : ok
ShAnNa 492 : but would you be angry if i ate a piece
Devilee1 : so lets say u ate like the corner
ShAnNa 492 (11:28:50 PM): nooo
ShAnNa 492 (11:28:54 PM): im talking like the center
Devilee1 : ok center
Devilee1 : like the dogs eye
Devilee1 : ok..
ShAnNa 492 : yes
ShAnNa 492 : would this anger you
Devilee1: i would slap you up so much that u wouldnt be able to east no more of my puzzle
ShAnNa 492 : but im hungryy
Devilee1 : go eat the puzzle box
ShAnNa 492 : it tastes bad
Devilee1 : alright i would say fatty get away from my fucking puzzle
ShAnNa 492 : thats like eating a tv dinner box instead of the tv dinner
Devilee1 : get your own damn puzzle to eat
ShAnNa 492 : what if i stole ur stupid puzzle
Devilee1 : haha
ShAnNa 492 : im broke
Devilee1: my puzzle isnt stupid
Devilee1 : are u calling my puzzle stupid
ShAnNa 492: so what youre saying is, its rude to eat a puzzle piece
Devilee1: huh huh huh
ShAnNa 492: ok wlets say ur at a puzzle party
ShAnNa 492: and u mistake one of thep ieces for a cracker
Devilee1 : yes cause its like pringles once u eat a peice of the puzzle u wont be able to stop
ShAnNa 492 : honest mistajke .. would u be angry
Devilee1 : well i wouyld be frusterated cause now i cant finish my pussle... therefore i would have to wack you with the box a couple of times realy hard
ShAnNa 492 : ok just checking
ShAnNa 492 : thank you for ur time
Devilee1 : u better not eat any puzzle of mine buddy
ShAnNa 492: fine fine
Devilee1 : this is so going in my blurty journal haha
^^^ lets talk hypothetical for a second.... lmao

Alright today like completely sucked cause I did yard work from the very second I got up which was like 10 ish cause I was asleep on the couch till like 5.30... But I can't wait for tomoro because of that invitationy thing I got to go to that store and shit and I'm gunna shop my heart out, and if one single person trys or attempts to take my 5 inch sandaled heels incrested in flowered diamons THEY WILL FEEL SO MUCH PAIN THAT THEY WONT BE ABLE TO SHOP NO MORE, what now fools :-P. Well I just took a shower so i need to go blow dry and straighten my hair then go to the mall to see Jay and all of them ya know.

Devilee1 : shanna
ShAnNa 492 : devin
Devilee1 : tell me a bed time story
Devilee1 :
ShAnNa 492 : ok
ShAnNa 492 : once upon a time far off in the land of puzzles there was this kid named uh... kevin
Devilee1 : ok
ShAnNa 492: and kevin had too many puzzles
Devilee1: shanna how old was kevin?
ShAnNa 492: 14
Devilee1 : ok
ShAnNa 492 : ok so any way
Devilee1 : was kevin hot?
ShAnNa 492: the kid had too many puzzles
ShAnNa 492 : no
ShAnNa 492 : listen
Devilee1 : oh damn..
ShAnNa 492 : but he wanted more puzzles
Devilee1 : ok...
ShAnNa 492 : so he bought a new one
Devilee1 : but i thought he had to many shanna?
ShAnNa 492 : of a... dog
ShAnNa 492: but he wanted another
Devilee1 : selfish bastard
ShAnNa 492: yeah i know
ShAnNa 492: so one day
ShAnNa 492 : his friend hannah
ShAnNa 492 : attended a puzzle party he was throwing
ShAnNa 492: and she was hungry and eating all the finger food hes left out
ShAnNa 492 : and next to the giant puzzle he just purchased were the crackers
ShAnNa 492 : and shanna accidentally ate a puzzle piece
ShAnNa 492 : and kevin was angry
ShAnNa 492 : so he yelled at her
ShAnNa 492 : so shanna threw the puzzle at devin
ShAnNa 492: i mean hannah threw it at kevin
ShAnNa 492 : and she ate the rest of it
ShAnNa 492 : then walked away
ShAnNa 492 : the end
Devilee1 : hahaha
ShAnNa 492 : good story
ShAnNa 492 : all from shannas noggin
Devilee1 : very good
ShAnNa 492 ): not realted to her life at all
Devilee1 : haha
ShAnNa 492 : im going to bed
ShAnNa 492 : gnite
ShAnNa 492 : see u in school tomorrow
Devilee1 : tomoro sunday
ShAnNa 492 : shut up
Devilee1 : have fun with that plan tho
ShAnNa 492 : yayuih
ShAnNa 492: arwnt we getting lockers
Devilee1 : we better be
ShAnNa 492 : sweet
Devilee1 : or mr steele is gunna be stuffed into one
ShAnNa 492 : sweet
Devilee1 : see im trying to work on my ganster talk
Devilee1 : tasha said im improving
ShAnNa 492 : haha

^^ yah lots of love for her :-D


Those who really love you
Don't mean to hurt you
And if they do,
You can see it in their eyes
That it hurts them too
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