Sep 05, 2007 08:39
Ok, not really...
But the sun was red as hell as it risen. Almost like watching a sunset in reverse...
I bet by noon, the sun will explode, all the clouds will disappear, and we shall all burn alive.
In other news. I noticed something I should've noticed a long time ago.
When I delete someone from a friends/messenger/talkto list, they know I deleted them. >__>
No, I'm serious, I just noticed this now. ><;
I don't delete them off my list because I hate them or anything.
More or less, I do it because I think that it's the other way around.
Sometimes, because of this, I remove them to give me some space on the list (stupid reason).
I guess this would be reason enough as to why they hate me in the first place. X(
I do this for another reason though. To stay solo.
"....What? What the hell for!?"
Because I don't deal well with people, that's why.
"But that's stupid! How are you gonna get far with that kind of thinking?"
I'm not. But I'd rather take this route than go through the same things I've been through over and over again.
I don't deal well with Groups/Clans/Factions/whatthehellever. Few reasons why:
I hate the hecticness of being in one.
It usually dies a few days after I join one. (Which is why I would give myself the title of Clan Killer)
I'm never wanted.
I can't contribute to it except being a annoyance.
I'd rather stay a Lone Wolf with the few friends that I have. That's all I want.
And no, I'm not saying/doing all this just to look cool. (But if I could be cool while doing it... :D)
I could probably word this better if I wasn't so tired. But for now, deal with it.
Come on you god forsaken spell! Lvl up already! ><
C yaz~