Oct 06, 2008 15:57
Had a nice long phone chat with Mark on friday. Havent been talking to him so much and without emphasis of work or whatsoever stress for quite a while. It was really enjoyable to hear that he is having a relaxing time in pulau tioman with Patrick.
He happen to drop the ring i bought for him at the bottom of the sea (not too deep though, i would say about 3 meters) but took off the life jacket and actually made many tries to dive down to retrive it. He was really happy to find it resting on top of the coral reef instead of being burried under the sand.
I was kinda worried though, without a life jacket in the middle of the sea is a bad thing if anything happens you drown... And the life jacket can float away with the splashing waves since he left it unattended. But fate as it seems he did find the ring. Romantic dont you think?
I had a nice evening on wednesday out with Wu Xiao, a new student for internship in givaudan who now lives opposite my current house in richmond meech drive. £10 for a 3 course meal, i wouldnt say it was impressive, but it was enjoyable for the company i have and a night out for proper food. Saturday night was enjoyable yet horrible.
I went out with Luca, Marius , Maggie, Amily and Xiao (aka summer) . We were off to canterbury , supposedly having sushi but ended up having cocktails and chinese food. After which we headed to weatherspoon for another round of drinks.
Apparently i could take in slightly more alcohol than i thought i could... I thought i would go down with a bottle of bear, while i could chunk down 1 cocktail, 1 beer and one cider of 7.5% alcohol without even getting tipsy. I guess i get slightly tipsy and drunk with beer... for weird reasons... since i dont think Fosters has more alcohol than Metropolitan or Peach Cider.... I'm so trying apple martini next time or mojito...
I realise it has been a long time since i've written blogs, seems like i have rather amused myself with alot of reading other people's fan fiction, novels and lots of anime.
Code geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion would stay on my list of best anime for a long time... While lelouch himself would be on my list of best hero for many years to come.
No single anime has swung my emotions that much thoughout it's short 50 episode story (20 mins each episode) The feeling of depression, happiness, anger (actually.... absolute hostility and wrath) , a bit of hatred , sadness, empathy (which comes very little from me).... i was absolutely touched in the last episode where i was sunk into depression until i saw it a 2nd time and assume the survival of my favourite male character.
Working in Givaudan has taught me alot of independance, yet slight lonliness? But i do appreciate the lonliness as i could spend time to read novels and such without being monitored and scolded in my free time... Dealing with microorganisms are not too bad i have to say, alot of lab skils, and alot of trail and error to let me think about things myself and let me learn. I like the discussions and my hypothesis discussions with my supervisor at times, and of course like anyone, would be really happy when my ideas and hypothesis were proven to be correct...
My supervisor did tell me that i am quite independant and experienced that she didnt need to hold my hand in every single experiment. She's very grateful for that since David left, she had to take over his job of being supervisor and also working in the lab for research which earns her no extra pay and she's only a part time worker.... So i do most of her lab work for her while she sits in the office answering calls , meeting other heads of departments, go for meetings, arrange for things and etc.
With the downfall of the economical peak till the rubbles of today, i can forsee a world of chaos... A perfect time of the rising of a particular antagonist of my life's story whom i'm not very keen to meet at all. It worries me somehow that i'm no longer prepared for it and is actually slacking like an idoit. My body and mind just couldnt cope with it anymore, the state of depression, exhaustion i'm in... I am no longer the fierce warrior that fights till death, i'm more like the injured warrior with too many wounds to even stand and care about death... sad isnt it?