The Birdie Diaries Entry 01

Sep 10, 2007 01:16

Part one: Introduction

First of all, for those of you who don't know, I am a 19 yr old crazy bird lady in the making.

I currently have seven birds that I am caring for, two are not mine. (Whee!)

Tielmin - Cockatiel (Male)
"Alpha Male" or at least he thinks he is

Penelope - Cockatiel (Female)
The humble and always loyal Lady of Sir Tielmin

Keet'n - Budgie (Female)
The most beautiful budgie in the whole world and God help you if you tell her otherwise O.O

Beak'n - Budgie (Male)
Keet'n's mate and annoyance to the tiels and Reggie but is good friends with Apple Jack

Apple Jack - Quaker/Monk Parakeet (Male/Female ???)
The sweetest birdie ever, we presume that Apple Jack is a she due to her lack of vocalization where males are VERY talkative. She loves to meet new people and cuddles with me a lot ^^

Not Mine:
Reggie - Parrotlet (Male)
This tiny parrot is my brother's even though he is best friends with Apple Jack and tends to prefer everyone except Stephen (the poor kid just can't catch a break).

KC Bird - Cockatiel (Male)
This sweetheart of a bird belongs to a close friend of mine, Ellen, who is currently out exploring the country for a while.

Part Two: The Great Millet Famine

KC is normally fed and watered, etc. twice a day when his mommy is home. But sadly I fail to give that to him due to my inability to get up at 6 a.m. (Sorry, Ellen :(  ).
But he is getting along fine, regardless. I've made it a habit of being a better bird mommy by changing food, water, millet spray, and paper towels for my birds every time its their turn to come out.

We have to rotate the keets and the tiels because Keet'n and Tielmin do not get along at all.

I still change all of KC's stuff every day, of course ^^ I make sure he's still nice and spoiled for when mommy comes home from her trip.

Well I believe it was two Fridays ago, I ran out of millet spray.....*dramatic music*

See this wasn't that big of a deal to my birds, though they were disappointed, mainly because they were still getting used to receiving millet often, where in the past it was a treat for every once and a while.

But for poor KC, this was unacceptable. He receives new millet everyday no matter what......he was not a happy bird until this past Wednesday. @.@

The second I got that package of 5lbs of millet spray in the mail, I immediately opened it and gave KC his millet first, then the others. He was very happy once more.

Thus ended the great millet famine *hurray*

Now I'm going to be off before I go all pukey ;-;

parrots, birds

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