A fun video :)
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Yes, am still alive--if barely. After the annual project end stage madness, JLPT N4 exam, vacation, flu/cold (which I still have since after Christmas) :P I'm just trying to get back to regular Japanese studies schedule, and thinking of gym again once I've over the flu.
However, I just got sucked into facebook at the urging of my sisters as a means of keeping in touch and also to play this game Fairyland Friends; a game for avid gardeners [ especially those who don't have the space or time to have and nature a real garden] A nice feel good game to help wind down at the end of a day :)
Needless to say it takes time to play this game, so there goes some writing time, but just as well since I've still got writer's block :( Lots of ideas, just little inclination to link the scenes and make the story coherent :P
Ahh well, maybe I'll just hope to get some writing done over the Chinese New Year holidays. Wish me luck!