A Me and Website Update

Mar 07, 2010 19:13

Heya, Am still alive... Mostly...

Sadly, I can't remember anymore what it was like to be participating on Mailing Lists, reading my friends list regularly and tracking some of the community journals I follow through my in-box. And now I wonder how I had ever been so free previously. 0.o;;

So what's happened since my last 'me' update?

1) New Job that runs 8 am to 6 pm.
It will be 5 day week for now, but will hit 6 days/week in July untill September when it will run as a 7-day week for ~2 weeks, then be back down to 5 days/week in Nov. Yes, this is the job I was at last September, the company got the project and made me an offer. So I hope it also means I'm gainfully employed at least for the next three years. I'm rather hoping this is the job that I'll be working at till retirement (Lets say for the next 20 to 25 years).

2) Joined a gym
I realised that I'm desperately out of shape, so I signed on for a five year membership and have put myself on a schedule to exercise regularly three times a week after work. And yeah, since I committed money on the membership, I'm obligated to make sure I get my money's worth so I have to be determined to work out 3 times a week.

3) Took the December test and passed JLPT 4!
Yea! Now I'll have to look forward to the next round; the N4 tests this December. (Due to the restructuring of the test, the JLPT is now at 5 levels. N5, N4, N3, N2, N1 - i.e. JLPT 4 was N5.)

[wolfy looks at all the activities] The Japanese class is on Sundays, and I'm doing Japanese homework on the weekday evenings when I'm not at the gym... Egad... When am I ever going to have time for internet fandom activities again -_-;;;

*sigh* well... can't promise I'll read very much, but I'm still writing. So hopefully, you'll still hear from me from time to time in the form of fic postings.

In the meantime the website's finally updated with everything that I've written to date.

So cheerio, folks. Till the next fic posting on my fic journal and update to the website. Take care!


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