Name: Emily
We respect the LJ code. Are you over 13?: 15
Positive adjectives to describe yourself: Intelligent, curious, witty, imaginative, brave, confident, passionate, observant, thoughtful, eccentric, loving, kind, compassionate, gracious, funny
Negative adjectives to describe yourself: Sensitive, arrogant, aloof, proud, vain, rebellious, moody, anxious, stubborn, spoiled, lazy, procrastinator, temperamental
Your hobbies/interests: Reading, writing, art, music, debating, wandering, busking, languages, travelling, photography, science
Goals/aims for the future: Publish a book, travel the world, become fluent in at least 5 languages, and contribute something to humanity.
Favourite quote/lyrics/phrase and why?: "Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." - GK Chesterton.
Animal: Cats!
Movie: True Grit, currently
Television show: Misfits
Book: Octavian Nothing
Musician/Type of music: All types!
This or That (you can choose both, but explain)
Leader or Follower: Leader
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
Mature or Immature: Mature
Pleasure or Sacrifice: Pleasure
Confident or Shy: Confident
Selfless or Selfish: Selfess
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted
Rule or Be Ruled: Rule
Silly or Serious: Both!
Are you adventurous? Definitely!
Are you willing do anything to protect your friends/family? Yes.
Who is your favorite character? Why? If you feel that it would sway votes, then leave it blank
Who is your least favorite character? Why? N/A
What's your favorite song from the movie? I'll Make A Man Out Of You, of course!
Out of all the characters, which one is LEAST like you? Only choose one please.
Anything else?
Optional: Post at least one picture of yourself
Please vote on at least 3 applications, or however many there are and list them here: