Name: Jade
We respect the LJ code. Are you over 13?: 17 xD
Positive adjectives to describe yourself: Witty, Curious, Clever, Funny, Imaginative, Intuitive, Spirited, Friendly, Loyal, Romantic, Faithful
Negative adjectives to describe yourself: Tense, Sarcastic, Fanatical, Anxious, Paranoid, Stubborn
Your hobbies/interests: Musical Theatre, Singing, Daydreaming, Graphic Designing, Internet, Friends, Family, Costume Dramas, Disney, Church, Youth Group
Goals/aims for the future: To live in NYC or Europe, to travel, to work on or for Broadway or West End, to get married to my Prince I'm awaiting and have kids, To please my God in all I do
Favourite quote/lyrics/phrase and why?: "For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
This verse is always very special to me because whenever I'm down it reminds me that God knows my path and that I just have to follow Him. It reminds me also that He has a future planned for me that is better than anything I could ever imagine.
Animal: Kitty
Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean 1
Television show: Robin Hood BBC
Book: The Bible & God Called a Girl
Musician/Type of music: I love show tunes, soundtracks, and vocal. Sometimes I like some pop too.
This or That (you can choose both, but explain)
Leader or Follower: Both at times, I can be a follower if someone else wants to lead. If no one else wants to lead then I will.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Mostly Optimistic
Mature or Immature: Mature, but also childlike in a mature way ;D
Pleasure or Sacrifice: Sacrifice can lead to pleasure
Confident or Shy: Shy until I get to know someone, then very confident.
Selfless or Selfish: I try and be selfless, though I know I can be selfish at times.
Introverted or Extroverted: Both! I'm fine going in or staying out.
Rule or Be Ruled: Be Ruled
Silly or Serious: Silly!
Are you adventurous? To a healthy extent, yes!
Are you willing do anything to protect your friends/family? Of course
Who is your favorite character? Why? Well...I'd have to say Mulan and Shang both...though I also love Chien-po. Mulan because she's strong and of course the female heroine, Shang because he's fierce and adorable, and Chien-po because he makes me laugh tons!
Who is your least favorite character? Why? Shan-Yu for obvious reasons.
What's your favorite song from the movie? I'll Make a Man Out of You, definitely!
Out of all the characters, which one is LEAST like you? Only choose one please. Shan-Yu because I'm not a villain.
Anything else?
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Optional: Post at least one picture of yourself
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