Wrong Decade

Feb 18, 2011 01:59

In honor of Reagan’s 100th birthday, or perhaps just my own insatiable desire for a dainty, four calorie dessert, I bought a pound of Jelly Belly jelly beans today. I also brought home a bouquet of pink and orange gerber daisies. I guess I’m in a happy, celebratory mood because…

I have a new job! Funemployement did not last long, thankfully. I stumbled across a great opportunity with a really smart team. This really deserves it’s own post so more on this later, except to say I am super excited and start in a week.

My time off was filled partially by a truly lovely vacation to Phoenix and Tucson for a week. Amazing time, lots of sun and desert, a hot air balloon ride, a hummingbird exhibit that I never wanted to leave, and the discovery that the Android kicks the iPhone’s non-existent rear end when it comes to navigation, among other things. I’m so happy to kick the AT&T/iPhone combo to the curb. Overall, the Android (2.2 on the HTC Evo 4G) makes me feel like I’m living in the bright and shiny glorious future that is 2011.

I’m so, so, so in love with 2011.  If it weren’t 2011 I wouldn’t have my gadgets, my geeky hobbies, my delightfully nerdy career or the freedom to be me. However, that being said, often I imagine being my age in the late 1920s.  Obsessing over the style of the era, I find myself watching Boardwalk Empire on HBO, hunting down prohibition-themed bars in the alleyways and hidden attics of Seattle, and even hosting a 20s themed New Years.

This evening I came across this picture on someone’s tumblr and realized I inadvertently (subconsciously?) have 1920s hair now:

I meant to have Tron hair. :-)


[This post originally published on Firewallender.com. You can comment here or there for extra awesomeness.]

travel, personal, food, startups, work

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