As my friend Layne said, “2011 will be the year of awesome.” Things I want to work on this year:
1.) Reduce spending: cook at home more frequently and pack lunches, limit impulse purchases, use what I have. Conserve!
2.) Increase activity: bike to work more frequently, hit the gym, swing dance, hike and swim more. Continue to lose weight (woop!).
3.) Create space for creativity: sew and dance!
And, last but not least, one I would like to challenge everyone to take on:
4.) Be a safer driver: No texting in the car! It’s not rocket science here, but it’s surprising to me how often my friends or I will glance away from the road for a silly text. It can wait. I hope you’ll take this one on with me, check this documentary AT&T made on texting and driving if you’re not convinced, I challenge you to watch it and not feel the same as I do.
Click to view
(Sorry to be a downer, it’s a sad video but important!)
2011 will be AWESOME! Keep it that way - no texting while driving!
[This post originally published on You can comment here or
there for extra awesomeness.]