I watched Star Wars: Episode III last night with
vash_167 for the first time since I've seen it in theatres. I don't know if I noticed this before, or it was something new, but now I'm being nagged by a thought, a theme within the movie.
If Anakin had never seen Padme's death, it probably would have never happened. Padme' died of a broken heart because of the choices Anakin made. Anakin made those choices because he thought he needed to protect Padme' from dying. It's an endless loop!
It may sound odd to relate this to Corinthians, but yet it reminds me, If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
It's silly to
worry about the Jedi I guess. Shallow ramifications of a reality created only to entertain. But there's always reflections of our own reality in these made-up ones, something people can grab onto and relate to. You feel sorry for him, even as he's strangling the one he loves. That's the tragic humanity of Vader.