Sep 23, 2005 02:54
4:05 AM - So i'm still drunk
Current mood: depressed
Category: Life
I'm sad, well, no one can really do anything about it, everything is still falling apart. I'm on my own. no one is here, and i'll always be alone, why? because everyone thinks i'm an emotional rock and i'm the one who is supposed to be the emotionally stable one, but fuck i am not
i have feelings , and well it seems like a lot of people don't realize that. I feel sick, i'm soo tired of everything, and i still want to run away far away, and i love you all but don't be upset if i don't tell you where i am. i need to clear my mind and try to have the normal life that i have never had. ever. i think i'm going to bed now but not without a very heavy heart, thats ready to explode and die. you will all probably lead a better life without me around. you just have to believe in yourselves. take care
Currently listening:
By Red Hot Chili Peppers
Release date: By 08 June, 1999