(no subject)

Jan 09, 2006 01:36

Okay, so I know that I haven't updated this journal (properly, I mean), in a fairly long time, so I thought that I'd let you guys know that I'm not dead. Also, to let you know whats coming, as I've been quite busy.

Chapter 6 of 'Nemo' is currently in the works. I've actually started writing it, and hope to have it finished by the end of the week, so you all have that to look foward to. I've also been working on some Dramione icons. Six are finished (including the one I'm currently using!). I've halfway through about another 8, so I'm waiting until I finish them all to post them. the_ladys_opal and I are also working on requests for each other, which shall include smut. Hopefully I'll be able to get hers done soon - the charming darling has asked me to include Lucius in hers, which makes me happy. And I'm getting a bondage smut one in return *is happy*. Yes, I'm kinky :oP. I'm also working on another song fic, called 'Let You Down' - based on the song baring the same title by Three Days Grace, and have also started compiling a new D/Hr Soundtrack which I will call Brûler - for those of you who don't speak French, it means "to burn". Mostly rock music, and centered on the darker side of their relationship.

Outside of the Dramione world, I have discovered my love of Charlie/Hermione, and Barty Crouch Jr. Joy has asked me to make her some B.C. Jr. icons, which I am currently working on (I think that my muse decided to get itself an LJ, and pretend to be a hot English girl), as well as a Barty Crouch Jr./Hermione songfic, named 'These Chains That Hang Around Our Necks', based on the song 'What a Good Boy (Hairshirt)', by the Barenaked Ladies. I seem to be working on a lot of songfic's right now, but I go wherever my muse takes me. Maybe one day I'll get back to completely original pieces, but I honestly don't know if that will be happening in the near future.

To iwillpokeyou, sweden_girl25, & darkangel323, I'm so sorry that I haven't yet written (or started....) your request fics. I know I said I'd have them done by the end of November, but unfortunately reality decided to catch up with me, and I've been swamped... and it doesn't look like reality will be going away anytime in the near future. I will get them done though... I just don't know when. Please don't hate me :o(.

Also, I have a request, if anyone would like to fulfill it... I'm redoing the layout for this journal, and need a banner to go across the top, much in the style of the_ladys_opal (wow, my muse, I think thats the third mention you've gotten in this post!). I'd like a Dramione/Barty/Bella-esque kind of thing, nice and dark. Colour scheme wise I'm partial to blue, red, dark green and black. Does anyone want to do this for me? It will entail much love, credit, and possibly a cookie! I suck at banners, so seriously, if anyone can help me out, it would be greatly appreciated.

Anyway, that's the end of this little update. Hopefully I'll have something more worthwhile reading in the future.

x Mikhaila
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