Title: Nemo (1/?)
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: PG
Word Count: 893
Warnings: None. Well, mild character death. Very mild.
Summary: Touch me with your love, and reveal to me my true name. Once and for all, and all for once, Nemo my name for ever more.
A/N: Okay, this is the first chapter, entitled "The Lost Ones", of a series I'm currently writing called "Nemo". And yes, there is a point to the name, but I'm not telling yet. I have no idea how many chapters there are going to be, and this is my first non-drabble Draco/Hermione, so be as brutal as you would like.
The overall rating of this story will be R18+, or what I believe is NC-17 in America. However, I'm rating the chapters individually, so make sure that if you aren't 18, that you DON'T read the smutty stuff. Please. But feel free to read the rest of the story (which doesn't focus on smut, I'm only planning on one chapter's worth)!
I got the idea for this little ficlet from the song "Nemo" by Nightwish. Lyrics are quoted throughout the entirety of the story (which I haven't finished writing yet). But seriously, it's a great song, perfect for Draco/Hermione, and if you haven't heard it, I suggest you do. Right now.
I hope you enjoy the fic :o)
♥ Mikhaila
P.S. Sorry for the long A/N
Curled up on the window seat in her favourite corner of the library, Hermione silently stared out over the expanse of the Hogwarts grounds. She found it soothing, to be able to have some time to herself. All of the other girls in her dormitory had gone home for Christmas. She no longer had a home to go to, as Death Eaters had killed her family during the summer holidays following the battle at the Ministry of Magic. Although Ron had invited her back to the Burrow for the week, and as much as she loved the Weasley family, currently what she needed was just to spend some time by herself. It was her first Christmas without her family, and she didn’t want to have to smile, and pretend to be enjoying herself in the company of her friends.
Pretend as she had been for the past six months.
Inside, Hermione felt dead. Her family meant everything to her. Aside from Harry and Ron, they were the only people in the world who loved her. And they were most certainly the only people in the world, Ron and Harry included this time, who understood her. She could talk to her Mum about all the girly stuff she could never talk about with Harry or Ron, who would just scoff and tell her she was being stupid. Harry and Ron, who, although they did love her, would never see her as anything more than ‘one of the guys’. With her Mum she could do facials, go and get her hair done, or sit and watch the muggle movie “Love Actually”, and perve on Roderigo Santoras for hours, or laugh at Hugh Grants dancing skills, whilst at the same time admiring his bum during his victory dance. Or snicker at Colin Firth’s attempts at speaking any language other than English. With her Dad, she could discuss poetry and books. He nurtured her intellectual side, possibly the only person on the planet who could keep up with her mentally. And he loved to hear about the things she learnt in school, about the theory of Arithmancy, or the translations and meanings of Ancient Runes. In this way, she managed to combine both the wizarding and muggle worlds. Whenever she was with her parents, she truly felt like she was home, no matter where they were.
And now she was alone. Letting a single tear slide down her cheek, which was rapidly followed by several more, she continued to stare out across the grounds, enveloped in her misery.
This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Walking down the corridors that led from the Slytherin common room to the library, Draco Malfoy sighed. He was spending Christmas at Hogwarts because his father was still locked in Azkaban, and his mother was too busy trying to secure his release to give Draco the Christmas he deserved, or so she claimed. Secretly Draco thought that it was because she was unable to cope with the disgrace to the family name, and as such was trying to avoid him. It was, of course, his fault that his father had gotten caught, as he had allowed the Mudblood Granger and her little friends to escape from him.
Fucking Granger. Merlin, he thought as he continued his journey. Could a witch be more annoying? With her bushy hair, and know it all attitude. She pissed him off more than any other witch or wizard in Hogwarts. Something niggled in the back of his mind when he thought about her, but he refused to give it any thought, dismissing her as his inferior. Even though, at some level, her knew that she wasn’t.
Pushing the Mudblood from his mind, his thoughts returned to his father. He felt absolutely lost without his father by his side. His whole life, his father had been by his side, guiding him, telling him what to do. It was at his insistence that Draco had joined the Death Eaters during the summer vacation, taking his father’s vacant place by the Dark Lord’s side. Of course, he didn’t wear the Dark Mark yet, as it would not do to have that decrepit old fool Dumbledore knowing that there was one capable of killing within the school, but still, he was pleased that he could make his father proud in this way. Losing his father, even if it was only temporarily, was a blow that Draco had not expected. And it hurt like all fuck. Without his father, he was nothing. He was lost, floating in a sea of despair and hopelessness.
Not that he’d ever admit it of course.
This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Rounding a corner into the library, he was startled to hear a discreet sound that sounded like someone… crying. Curious as to who it was, knowing that most students had gone home for the holidays, he went in search of the noise, hoping he would have an opportunity to berate one of the younger students. Circe knows he needed someone to take his frustrations out on.
Tracking the crying to a window seat in the furthest corner of the library, he was surprised when he recognised the witch he’d least likely imagined it to be.