I'll take Famous Zen Quotes for $200, Alex

May 14, 2003 22:20

Occasionally, I think I stumble across something that might be of use. Then, I get to be all long winded about it! Yay! ;p :)

So, stumpykitty and I were browsing through Barnes and Noble late the other night, and we're digging through the bargain book section... where, low and behold there's a copy of this Pocket Zen Guide thing that's on sale. Well, I figure I might as well peek at it, since I didn't have enough time that night to devote to any serious research on the matter.

After some random other reading, I crack the sucker open: it had a fair share of interesting (and some bizarre) poetry, and then a series of quotes and conversations that were supposed to make you stop and think. Among them, I ran into this (roughly paraphrased) one:

A wandering philosopher of high stature came to a famed Zen master and asked to become his student. The master refused, but the philosopher continued to insist on the subject. Out of desperation, the student cut off his own arm to present to the master as a confirmation of how serious he was.

The master asked, "Why did you cut your arm off?"
The devotee replied, "To show how serious I am with my intent to become your pupil".
"Was your arm troubling you?"
"No, my mind is troubling me. I cannot keep my mind still!"
"Bring me your mind, and I will make it still for you"
After thinking for a moment, the philosopher replied, "I cannot bring you my mind"
"Your mind is still", said the master.

... and, as the book explained, this is because the philosopher finally realized that the mind does not exist.


What a fucking fabulous concept.

I proceeded to ponder over it for a while, doze, have some really trippy dreams, and come back to it frequently in the days since.

Why? Well... mainly because I have an issue with being distracted. I mean, not with flashy shiny stuff (although that happens...), but mainly focusing on Work, Applications of Theories of Physics, Computer Crap, or Various Other Not Exactly Fun subjects that are (seemingly) always "on" in my head. I suppose this tendency finally solidified in college when I started taking on a workload that required constant "background" compiling every waking moment. It reached the point where it didn't matter if I went on vacation, took a day off, traveled, or ANYTHING - I could be in the middle of a fucking amusement park ON THE FUCKING ROLLERCOASTER and STILL be thinking "hey, so THAT'S how you can use the LaPlace Transform to solve that problem!". BLAH. FUCK.

Even conversations and interactions with people were put onto "auto pilot" while I buzzed away at silly little abstract concepts - which of course can make for some comical scatterbrained moments. Memories would start to become a drawn-out blur, where I would leave the lab, but never really "leave the lab". Which, when you think about it, is a pretty lame way to live your life, considering how UTTERLY FUCKING FANTASTIC things are when you FUCKING PAY ATTENTION.

(wow, I like the word "fuck")

Anyway, so this fabulous little notion comes along (which goes along with Just About Everything stumpykitty Keeps Telling Me), and things look So Starkly Different. You're basically left with some pre-programmed biological needs/tendencies, which include:

* The need for a connection with people in your immediate family/people from your early childhood, similar to the imprinting instinct seen in birds. (for all of us that listen to Love Line or Live In The Real World, we know that This Can Be A Bad Thing)

* The need for a group of friends or a community to Belong To And Work In.

* The need for a sexual partner (with the Possibility Of Reproduction for some people).

... and many, many more...


All the other bullshit that goes on is just this... well, I dunno... "filler"? "Distraction"? When I start thinking of all the energy devoted to Being A Good Citizen, Staying Inside The Yellow Safety Lines, Minding The Rules Of The Road, And Everything Else That Is Absolutely Necessary To Maintain The Lifestyle That We Lead, I just begin to wonder If This Is Really Such A Wonderful Lifestyle After All.

I mean, when the day is done, I don't look forward to coming home and polishing my car, listening to some CD's in a room with the lights off, or even playing the latest video game; I look forward to talking to the people that I care about.

Before people start getting all wiggy, I don't imagine that the world would be perfect if everyone rolled out a straw mat and began chanting every day from dawn 'till dusk; I still realize there are very real things that need to be taken care of, like obtaining food, security measures, medical care, etc. etc. ... I just wonder how much of our time gets spent attending to someone else's imaginary needs to maintain a lifestyle that not everybody may want in the first place.

... hehhehe... and the worst thing is, I started composing this in my head while I was eating a bowl of cereal, rather than just enjoying the meal. :P Practice, practice...
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