Jun 02, 2010 17:44
okay. dear people reading this livejournal. i am in fact putting names. i would post this on facebook, except for the fact that probably my friends would rage at me, since they told me to leave it. but really? i've been saying to people for the past month to at least leave a name if they're gonna insult. well there. here it's out in the open. anyone can read it. and yes. i am in fact putting all the names down, cuz you deserve to be fucking hit in the face.
i'm only going to insult people who i have seen directly hurt someone on facebook and said something rude. sorry m.b., i can't say you did anything. but you know your own conscience.
dear jodie law,
hello. so let's see *frowns with concentration* i wonder what taf stegdim really means. omg, my brain hurts. JUST KIDDING. you're so stupid for using backwards writing. seriously, who HASN'T thought of that by this time and age? "fat midgets" right? well hm. let's see, i can pretty much say that you aren't gorgeous yourself. seriously, get over your looks. does anyone care that they're best friends with a fat midget? if that fat midget wasn't saying any mean things and is a pure hearted soul, i don't see a point in insulting her. if that person is a good friend, and is a good person, why call her a fat midget? shouldn't you be calling yourself names too? such a bitch? i'm basing this on your personality and what i see on facebook. all you seem to have learned is to be a rude bitch. does being rude make you feel like you're on top? of the social food group? well let me tell you a secret; you're not on top. if you want to be on top, find some guy that's actually willing to let you be on top. okay? that's the only way you can climb up the social ladder. it doesn't mean shit if all you can do is sit on a computer and write things backwards. because not everyone is as stupid as you are.
yours truly,
dianna yim.
now, secondly. i'm sorry. i honestly think that i have no right to write this to you, but still. you deserve it. for everything.
dear david ma,
okay sooo...let's see. should i start off by saying what a huge dick you are to me, or my best friend? let's start with my best friend. so basically. you like her. big woopee. go for it. but after you've made her feel this guilty for not being able to say yes...for not being able to say that she returns the feelings, you go and IGNORE her? seriously, talk about a bastard move. i've seen many guys who've avoided the girl after the girl told him that she likes him. honestly, i find that understandable. but really? ignoring HER because you liked HER? woooow...seriously dude. see a doctor. that mind of yours needs seriously waking up. now, moving onto my stack. you've insulted me aka fat gorilla. you've made me cry for nights because of that. you hurt my best friend. you ignore me on facebook when i want to talk to you about shit that's serious. dude, i think you're making a mistake. you think i WANT to talk to you? you think i ENJOY talking to you because i wanted to find out why you were ignoring my best friend? hell dude. you make me so pissed. and i haven't even had a conversation that's longer than 10 minutes with you. talk about being a dick. just cuz you're a guy, doesn't make you the king. you have nothing on you to judge me, or to ignore my best friend. i'll bet you fucking buckets you only liked her because she's damn gorgeous. i'm sure i got it on one.
yours truly,
dianna yim.
now. my last letter. yes, i am going to get involved with your life, because you have made me too upset over the stupidest reasons.
dear amy kuang,
you tell me that i'm a coward for not putting your name in things. you want me to tell you to your face that you're hurting me. you want me to beg for forgiveness. you want me to explain all my actions. well, i'm very sorry, but i just didn't want to blog about you anymore. you waste too much of my time, and still you do. you still hurt me. you still do all the things you used to. and if i told you to your face that you were hurting me, i think you'd just get upset and call me super sensitive. but i can't judge you on that, because i haven't tried. and no. i will not tell you my actions, and definitely not beg for forgiveness. i'm not about to say sorry to you. i honestly believe that my actions are right. i know that someone close to me also understands your actions, but it doesn't change anything to me. you are who you are in my eyes. and all i know is that you've continuously hurt me. if i had the choice to, i would cut you out of my life. but that would make me seem like a bitch. such as when you deleted all your comments on my facebook things. you have hurt me a lot. but honestly, i see a huge resemblance to someone i know. but the one difference? she's my best friend, and not a bitch like you.
yours truly,
dianna yim
okay. i'm done my letters. if i had the choice, i would post these on facebook. with tag. but really, i don't have the choice because i don't think my friends would be very happy with me. i'd just be hurting myself by doing that. but i hope you read these someday. i hope that you read them, and someday you'll know what you did wrong. these are very selfish, and very mean. maybe i'm wrong to write this. but right now to me, it seems so right. those who think i should delete, let me know. i'll think about your arguments if necessary. thanks for reading.
hate bitch