I haven't been posting much lately in my LJ. Its time to add some mumble jumble here i guess.
- First, I have Two of the Four FurAffinity Face Portrait Commissions completed, and the third to be done tonight ( See them here:
http://www.furaffinity.net/user/firestormsix/ ) ( the fifth dropped out due to unforseen matters, I may offer that one soon there aswell.)
For those that wish to keep track of my new art works, its best to have an account there, then add me to your watch list. I will be adding the new art works to my Stormfire Studios site aswell, but lately they have been added to FurAffinity first. I plan on adding the many unseen sketches aswell to the scraps gallery there too soon.
- The Max Fursuit has been slow getting of the ground, mostly due to being busy the last fiew weekends. Hopfully soon though. I have been doing some minor work in the garage, and the Yard.
- We all know Conventions are coming up in a number of months, and so far i have confermed that i will be at Anthrocon in Pittsburg this year! I have the room booked, all the pre-stuff as usuall. Anthrofest is still in the air for me, as there are some issues to be worked out first, if possible. I thought about attending CACE again since its their last year, but those plans have changed and wont' be attending CACE. This year at Anthrocon i may try to plan a open 1 or 2 hour art meet in my room at Anthrocon, basically for those people that have been wanting to meet me in person there. Last year there were many people that tried to meet up with me , and many people that i wanted to get to meet, but our paths never had the chance to cross.
I would like to see who that may be on my LJ list that would be interested in such a "meet hour" at anthrocon ?
I could and post several notices there on the bulletin board notifing you of my room number there, and the time the meet hour will take place.
- In other art news, i may be offering another Furbid Commission for a FULL commission package soon, maybe next month if i see a break for the time to do one.
- After browsing through the settings on my LJ account, I was looking at my friends list, there are a fiew that will be removed soon. Some of these people i never hear from no more, or done even post in their own LJ's anymore. A couple of friends i attempted to contact a couple of times via IM and email, but havent heard back from them. That stuff bothers me as i never know if its just that they are busy, or there is somthing wrong, or there is somthing with me causing the reason why they haven't contacted me. Its just somthign that bothers me when i never hear back. I know of a fiew close friends that have seemed to have drifted away, thats' a part of life. Friends come and go with everyone, i just hate to loose friends for pointless reasons, or lack of communication, or some simple thing that is irellevant.
- As for me, i have been doing well these days i guess. Been a bit lonely lately, as i dont' see many visitors in my area. I live a little far for most friends that live in the city, and alot of them dont' have transportation which i understand. In many cases i dont' mind at all driving down to pick somone up of they want to visit on some free weekend, as driving dont' bother me at all.
- For those Motorheads, greasemonkeys, and wrenchbenders out there like me, i have some new tools and machinery added to my shop. A facegrinder, a 3-hp Wirewheel, a Sandblasting cabinet, a new Metal-cutting bandsaw, a new drill press, and a 3-Axis Milling Machine. ( now running out of room lol*.)
I had to buy a new battery for my car last wednesday, as it died during the cold spell we had. My Yukon is still running well, it just gets used only on the weekends now as i use the car for commutting to work and long drives. ( Car is easier on gas. :P
now im out of words for now. :P