Seeing that I unpacked everything last weekend (more on that later), I actually had time to slack off and relax this weekend. On a whim, I decided to check out the Red Bull Flugtag ("Flying Day") over at Harriet Island. For those who don't know, you just watch people push their "flying", man-powered aircraft off a ramp, usually watching it crash in an amusing manner. You get rated for creativity, distance, and showmanship (pilots do a little skit before launching off). I was supposed to meet some friends but that never happened since it was so packed and my reception died because of it. After giving up looking for a few people out of the 90,000+ that were there, I just said "Fuck it" and found a spot to watch it. It was pretty amusing, watching all the flying contraptions, ranging from Snoopy on his dog house, a bathroom, the Griswold car from the Vacation series, to a ACME rocket with Wil E Coyote on it. The Twin Cities managed to grab the event's world record for distance, which was pretty awesome:
Click to view
After that I just hung out with some friends and nerded out to Descent, a board game that's D&D-esque. Sunday was a good, uneventful, lazy day. I'll definitely go to Flugtag if it ever comes around here. It was fun to watch, even alone.