My morning

May 07, 2004 01:10

Oh Jesus where to begin, well got p at 4:5 and went to mum's house to finish packing. I felt dizzy the whole time because I hadn't eaten/drank anythingand thus was in a great state of mind for packing. I forgot my bathing suit and something else that I forgot about again. *tired* At 6 Grampy and I got to Logan and were hopelessly lost fo about 20 minutes because where we parked wasn't near the gate so we had to go this odd roundabout way to reach our place of destination beingness. Grampy I swear walks at 13 mi/hr the old man is speedy.

But anyway, I board the plan and I have allmy crap and I put my bridesmaid dress in the over head compartment and wait for the plane to take off. A mother and daughter sit next to me, they're from Newtonand ere pleasent considering the little girl loooved school, or at least keepng on track with work, that she brought a book on tape to listen to and homework to work on while in the plane. Keep in ind this kid is like, in 5th grade. But the flight didnt have any turbulance and I felt fine and dandy the whole way. [I watched tv. The Smurfs and Snorks were on along with the Fairly Oddparents. Pretty good TV. JetBlue <3] And We arrive almost a half an hour early.

Nw because we're early I'm wondering what I should do and completly forget my dress in the overhead comparment, more concerned with how many cd cases I have in my hand. I get to the lobby and decide to go to baggage claim and get my stuff. I callGrammy and ask her to get Kathy so she isn't a madwoman looking for me. Two seconds after I hangup the phone and relax I realize I forgot my dress.

I took it rather well and just started hyperventilating. After shouting "Oh my God I left the dress on the plane!"in a 'too loud' voice. Don't worry I saved it after the nice pilotlady directed my to services and they called the plane to ensure my dress wasn't shipped back on the return flight to Boston. Kathy in the mean time had had me paged and was looking around frantically [BTW she is pregnant now] for me only to have Shana [24yr old 'comedian'] point and say "Hey ain't she running toward us frantically?"

We evetually got things riht but let it be known hat I will neer be able to live down leaving my bridesmaid dress on the plane ever again. Just like Andrew will never live down forgetting to use soap to wash the dishes. [Loong story don't ask]

To summerize Mai'sday Mai was shocked because Kathy was pregnant and because it turns out Dad and Kathy got married in Dec. so they could buy te house. tired when all the kids wanted my attention, [and limbs] all at the same time. And amazed because Daddy's keyboard is glowy and blue. As a side effect of is coolness typos will occur more often then not. And night I have my hair nails appointment early. I luff and miss you all and really wish Jen hadn't locked the freaking bedroom door because now can't get my CD player. >>
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