Aug 15, 2005 15:34

Aaaaww, man! I am sooo super-psyched! I have been cordially invited to what promises to be a totally rockin' party by one of the coolest cats I know, and anybody who's anybody is gonna be there. :P The most amazing part, though, is that my two cliques from high school are gonna come together to make one all-powerful, all-encompassingly awesome SUPER-GROUP! Haha! For some reason that makes me think of that Power Rangers mega-robot thing. But anyway... to add to the good news, I shall be reunited with one of my very best friends very, very soon. A friend that has remained rather elusive as of late, but has definitely not been forgotten. And it's gonna be a week-long celebration! As if all that weren't enough... *takes deep breath*.... RED EYE COMES OUT ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!! *squeeel* Omigawd, omigawd, omigawd! You people have no idea how excited I am about this movie. My sweet, sweet love, my one and only, Cillian Murphy is starring in it! I am completely over the moon for him. He's just so.... wow. Just lookin' at him makes me all tingly and light-headed. I actually haven't been this excited about a boy in a really long time. By the way, I changed my entire layout to oh-so-beautiful pics of him. Feel free to drool, bitches, but don't forget who he's comin' home to. ;P Oh, dream of dreams! Well, I'm sure I sound rather pathetic, what with all this oohing and coohing, so.. I'll just leave it at that. But, before I go: CALL ME X-TINA!! I miss that gorgeous mug o' yours! Alright, see ya babies! *smooch*
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